I’m Hanna, and I'm a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Certified Holistic Cancer Practitioner. I've worked as a cancer nutritionist for the last ten years, and I'm one of the few practitioners with qualifications as a holistic nutritionist in addition to having a degree in health science. As a result, my recommendations for clients combine evidence-based nutrition with a holistic point of view.
In addition to maintaining my private consulting practice, I have worked in several medical clinics in Vancouver, hosted numerous seminars, and developed nutrition programs targeted at cancer prevention and suppression.
My interest in the field of cancer nutrition began when I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 20. My healing journey prompted me to study the role of diet on cancer development in an effort to supplement my medical treatments. The impact nutrition had on my treatment outcomes and recovery was astounding.
My experience catapulted me toward my life purpose- helping other cancer patients utilize the power of nutritional therapy and other lifestyle interventions to support healing in the most powerful way possible.
A cancer diagnosis can make patients feel like they have lost total control over their life, drowning them in feelings of fear, anxiety, and overwhelm. My goal is to help cancer patients take control of their health by using the simplest, most natural, and also the most powerful tool in their toolkit- food!
Nourishing the body with cancer-fighting, nutrient-dense food optimizes treatment outcomes, reduces treatment side effects, enhances recovery, and reduces the risk of cancer recurrence.
If you or a family member has been diagnosed with cancer and would benefit from nutritional therapy, please contact me and let's chat about how I can support you.
I am humbled and honoured to be your guide on your healing journey.

What People Are Saying...
Leah Avery
Your advice really helped me get through treatment, surgery, and radiation. I’m definitely more inspired in the kitchen with a heavy focus on plant-based meals because of you. I am so glad to have met you!
Kristin and Addison
Hi Hanna,
I just wanted to thank you for your help when Addison was first diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. The insight you provided gave me the confidence to feed him appropriately throughout his cancer journey and adjust his diet as needed. He never once needed any electrolytes when going through chemo, we could keep those numbers stable just by adding in the foods he needed. Keep going with your business, the world needs more people like you to help spread the word about how important the food you choose really is.
With much love,
Kristin and Addison
Jessica Threinen
I was first introduced to Hanna shortly after starting my breast cancer treatments. I was in pretty rough shape. Fatigued, in pain, with inflammation throughout my body. I had digestive issues, sleep issues, and was stressed and anxious. Hanna got me back on track to a balanced state of health. Within the first 4 weeks of following the individualized plan she put together for me, I could already see and feel improvement. My pain and inflammation levels from the chemo decreased and became manageable, my energy levels increased, my bloating and heartburn resolved, and my digestive issues improved greatly. My stress and anxiety became almost nonexistent. I was able to complete all my chemotherapy appointments on time because my blood work stayed within the normal range. I also lost my post-chemo weight faster than I had prior to these dietary and lifestyle changes. The weight came off within one week as opposed to three weeks after previous chemo sessions. After a few months on the plan, I had very few issues anymore. When it was time to prepare for surgery, Hanna created another plan to get my body strong and ready for surgery, and then again another plan for post-operatory recovery. My radiation treatments went well with only little reaction and I healed quickly because I was taking care of not only my external but also internal health. Hanna has been a tremendous help. Her dietary and lifestyle recommendations are a big part of what got me through treatments as well as I did. She is an absolutely wonderful person to work with and I look forward to continuing to work with her toward my greater health during my continued recovery.
Sebastian Shaw
I am totally grateful. I am seeing physical progress on the new diet. My energy levels are improving and I also lost less hair during my latest chemo with the new diet in place. The swelling on my abdomen is also getting back to normal again. I have fewer digestion problems now. And, I am feeling pretty much back to normal, where I don't need any medication anymore, such as my water pill.