what to eat during and after chemo treatment to enhance recovery and reduce side effects

What Foods to Eat Before, During, and After Chemo Infusions

anti-cancer diet articles cancer fighting diet Jan 28, 2024


Going through chemotherapy can be incredibly taxing on the body, as it is accompanied by side effects like nausea, vomiting, and exhaustion. However, you don't have to suffer through these side effects.

Did you know that you can prevent chemo cycle delays, nasty side effects, and even recover faster between chemo cycles by focusing on specific foods? 

In this blog post, we'll delve into the power of strategic food choices throughout every stage of chemotherapy- the day before, the day of, and the days following your infusion. 

Because chemotherapy treatments are cyclical, your food choices need to be cyclical as well. The foods you eat the day before your chemo infusion, on the day of, and on the days following chemo need to differ.

Let's go through each stage of chemo and the food choices you need to focus on:


Day Before Treatment:

In preparation for your chemo treatment, focus on carb-loading your body. Think of it as preparing for a marathon to support your performance. Include foods like brown rice, yams, potatoes, beans and lentils, as well as whole wheat pasta.


Day of Chemo Infusion:

On the day of your chemo infusion, your appetite may fluctuate, making it crucial to pack a variety of small, nutrient-dense snacks. You need to make sure you're getting enough calories and protein despite any appetite fluctuations, as studies show that maintaining weight during treatment leads to better outcomes. Keep an eye on your body weight periodically.

Here's a guide to help you navigate your day:


Variety of Foods:

  • Fill a container with dried fruit, nuts, and seeds. If you have a good appetite, be cautious as these are calorie-dense foods, as 60% of women gain unwanted weight during chemotherapy treatment. Moderation is key. 
  • Include protein-rich snack options such as a tofu wrap, peanut or almond butter with seed crackers, or seed crackers topped with sliced smoked tofu and hummus. 
  • Opt for foods with a bit of crunch like seed crackers, carrots, apples, or cucumber slices. 
  • Always have fresh fruit on hand, such as apples, pears, or berries. 


Day Before Treatment:

In preparation for your chemo treatment, focus on carb-loading your body. Think of it as preparing for a marathon to support your overall performance. Include foods like brown rice, yams, potatoes, and whole wheat pasta.


Days After Chemo Treatment:

After your chemo session, take one day to rest. Be aware that during this time, you might lose your appetite/hunger pangs. Signs of hunger can change after chemo, and may present as exhaustion, headaches, irritability. You may be feeling awful because you’re not fueling your body properly. 

To enhance recovery, on the 3-5 days after chemo, focus on the following two things: 


  1. Hydration:

    • Ensure you stay hydrated by sipping water throughout the day. Flavour your water with lemon, cucumber, or electrolyte powder. Consider using a water bottle with a straw.


  • Protein Intake:

    • Aim to consume 30 grams of protein three times a day to support recovery between chemo cycles and aid in blood count recovery.


  • Gradual Introduction of Flavoured Foods:

    • As you move further away from your chemo cycle day (around 3-5 days after), gradually introduce acidic or strongly flavored foods


Foods to Avoid During Chemo:

While focusing on adding beneficial foods, it's also important to be mindful of what to avoid:


  • Alcohol:

    • Classified as a class 1 carcinogen, alcohol poses a higher risk of cancer diagnosis and can contribute to dehydration.


  • Processed Meats:

    • Also classified as a class 1 carcinogen, processed meats increase the risk of cancer. Instead, consider alternatives such as grilled tofu, tempeh, smoked tofu, or high-quality turkey, chicken, or fish.


Including specific foods during chemo can make a HUGE difference in how your body responds to chemotherapy. By focusing on the right foods at different stages of your treatment, you can manage side effects, prevent treatment interruptions/delays, maintain your body weight, and promote a faster recovery. 



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